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For example, if you wish to establish the cost of a Limited Edition Print which costs £75 (GB Pounds) into US Dollars, type in 75 into the amount (you may include commas and a decimal point should the need arise). Click on "GBP" British Pounds in the middle column and then click on "USD" American Dollars in the right hand column. You then click onto the "Perform Currency Conversion" Button to obtain the result.

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Copyright © Sue Wingate 1997-9

UK, Fine Art, Fine Art Publishing, Sue Wingate MA RCA, Horse Racing, Art, Equine Art, Portraits, Limited Edition Prints,
Greetings Cards, Christmas Cards, Commission, Field Galleries, Animal Art, Prints,
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UK, Fine Art, Fine Art Publishing, Sue Wingate MA RCA, Horse Racing, Art, Equine Art, Portraits, Limited Edition Prints,
Greetings Cards, Christmas Cards, Commission, Field Galleries, Animal Art, Prints,
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painting, watercolor, watercolour, drawing, postcards, personalised cards, stationery,
UK, Fine Art, Fine Art Publishing, Sue Wingate MA RCA, Horse Racing, Art, Equine Art, Portraits, Limited Edition Prints,
Greetings Cards, Christmas Cards, Commission, Field Galleries, Animal Art, Prints,
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painting, watercolor, watercolour, drawing, postcards, personalised cards, stationery,
UK, Fine Art, Fine Art Publishing, Sue Wingate MA RCA, Horse Racing, Art, Equine Art, Portraits, Limited Edition Prints,
Greetings Cards, Christmas Cards, Commission, Field Galleries, Animal Art, Prints,
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painting, watercolor, watercolour, drawing, postcards, personalised cards, stationery,
UK, Fine Art, Fine Art Publishing, Sue Wingate MA RCA, Horse Racing, Art, Equine Art, Portraits, Limited Edition Prints,
Greetings Cards, Christmas Cards, Commission, Field Galleries, Animal Art, Prints,
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horse, horse art, horse artist, equestrian, equestrian art, equestrian artist, oil painting,
painting, watercolor, watercolour, drawing, postcards, personalised cards, stationery,
UK, Fine Art, Fine Art Publishing, Sue Wingate MA RCA, Horse Racing, Art, Equine Art, Portraits, Limited Edition Prints,
Greetings Cards, Christmas Cards, Commission, Field Galleries, Animal Art, Prints,
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horse, horse art, horse artist, equestrian, equestrian art, equestrian artist, oil painting,
painting, watercolor, watercolour, drawing, postcards, personalised cards, stationery,