Shire Horse Awareness Weekend
22nd - 23rd May 1999
The Shire Horse Society hopes to promote the Shire Horse Breed by encouraging members to open their gates to the general public all over the country this weekend. All proceeds go to the Shire Horse Trust Fund, which will be used to secure the future of the breed.
This must of necessity involve encouraging more people to take an active interest in these horses, to the point where they wish to own them for their own pleasure and interest. "Hands-on Days" can play a very beneficial role in this process, where people (in many instances for the very first time) have the opportunity to see Shire horses at close quarters and to handle them. Much of the "mystique" and attraction of the breed is connected with its great size and strength and yet these can also be "off-putting" factors to the inexperienced! Visitors will have the opportunity to see displays, horses working and to learn the art of plaiting and preparing Shire Horses for the Show Ring.
The Shire Horse Society have given us list of names and addresses where "Open Days" will be held on both days, together with contact telephone numbers. They are distributed throughout England (and one in Wales). We will be delighted to pass details of the events nearest to you on request.
Please email us on and let us know your own location.
BROOKFIELD SHIRES PLC - have Open Days at their centres at Huntingdon and Maidenhead.
On 22nd May (Huntingdon) A Beanie Baby Fair will be held at Brookfield Shires Open Day 11am-5pm
Adults £2, Children/OAPs £1, Car load £5
Attractions include: Heavy Horse Displays, Dray Rides, Harnessing Demonstration, Working Farrier, Vintage Vehicles and much more... More details on 01480 891642 Address: New Farm, Buckworth Road, Alconby Weston, Huntingdon.
On 23rd May (Maidenhead) A Shire Horse Training Day 9am-4.30pm.
Spend a day learning, hands on, how to prepare and turn out these magnificent animals to show standard. During the day participants will be grooming, handling, washing, plating, harnessing and driving Shire Horses - with a Grand Parade at the end of the day. Regular coffee breaks and a hearty lunch in "The Old Feed Room".
This could be a wonderful opportunity for you to really experience these horses all for an inclusive price of £25 per person (all proceeds to help keep the breed alive).
For further details call: 01628 824848/823917 Address: The Courage Shire Horse Centre Cherry Garden Lane Maidenhead Thicket, Maidenhead, Berks SL6 3QD
If you don't wish to participate, just visit anyway for a great family day out! We can all help create a secure future for this wonderful breed by supporting these events so please encourage friends and family to join in...
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